If you find yourself in the position of calling our company to fix a drain back-up, one of the most common questions we’ll extend to you is whether or not your property has a cleanout. All too often, this is met with marked perplexity from the customer as to just what a cleanout actually is.
So Just What IS A Cleanout Anyway?
The cleanout plays an important role in your property’s plumbing and waste disposal system. It allows easy outside access to your pipes via a cap or cover in case the drain line needs to be examined or cleared. For your sewer lines, the sewer line is typically located on the ground in the front or backyard.

There is also a cleanout for the kitchen line of a property, which is located on the exterior of the kitchen where the sink drain is.
If your property does not have either type of cleanouts, our plumbers will be happy to provide a quote for installing one. This will save you money in the long-term on remedying any future clogs. Rather than having to disassemble the pipes under your kitchen sink or removing your toilet, the plumber can perform a simple snaking service through the pipes that the cleanout will allow direct access to.
So Just What IS A Cleanout Anyway?
The cleanout plays an important role in your property’s plumbing and waste disposal system. It allows easy outside access to your pipes via a cap or cover in case the drain line needs to be examined or cleared. For your sewer lines, the sewer line is typically located on the ground in the front or backyard.
There is also a cleanout for the kitchen line of a property, which is located on the exterior of the kitchen where the sink drain is.
If your property does not have either type of cleanouts, our plumbers will be happy to provide a quote for installing one. This will save you money in the long-term on remedying any future clogs. Rather than having to disassemble the pipes under your kitchen sink or removing your toilet, the plumber can perform a simple snaking service through the pipes that the cleanout will allow direct access to.
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