My name is Patrick and I've been a plumber at Smart Plumbers for 3 years. I frequently encounter challenges in this field of work that put my technical skills to the test but succeeding at the repair makes me a better technician for it - and the gratitude that the customer shows afterwards makes it all worthwhile. I enjoy the interaction with customers that this job brings, especially from the standpoint of answering their questions. The personal relationship between someone and a regular plumber that they trust is a dynamic you don't get at many other customer-service positions out there.
1. In 1829 the Tremont Hotel in Boston was the U.S.' first hotel to use indoor plumbing. 2. Archeologists have uncovered a part of a water plumbing system at the Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt. In addition, evidence of indoor plumbing has been found in Egyptian palaces dating back to 2500 B.C. 3. Copper piping – a common material used today in plumbing – was also used by the Egyptians to lay their own pipes. 4. The toilet is flushed more times during the Super Bowl halftime than any other time during the year. 5. Albert Einstein is reported to have said that if he had to do it all over again, he’d become a plumber. Now that really puts the "Smart" in "Smart Plumbers"! 6. The “bathroom,” has had many different terms and names throughout human history and throughout different cultures. The Egyptians reportedly called it the “house of horror.” It was called the “necessarium” by the Romans. Tudor England referred to it as the “privy” or “house of privacy,” whi...
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